
thanks diary - the baby stuff (2020.12.16)

aiemag 2020. 12. 17. 00:31

What I hadn't know

meddlesome : 간섭하길 좋아하는



Today was a little bit busy with work that I should be done tomorrow.


After work. I did an English phone class. I had not prepared well, so I couldn't talk with a teacher well.


Anyway, after talking with a teacher, I went to the house of seller who is selling a baby stuff.


I went to two houses for baby stuffs, those items are very nice. Those looks almost new.


Today, My mother called us. she was a little bit meddlesome, so we were a little bit upset.


Anyway, I am writing a thanks diary, I should sleep quickly after done a diary.


First, I'm thankful to the sellers for good baby stuffs.

Second, I'm thankful to my wife who is taking care of our newborn well.

Lastly, I'm thankful to my parents. Even though they are meddlesome, I could feel their hearts.


