
[감사일기]thanks diary(2020.12.07) - grammar corrected

aiemag 2020. 12. 7. 23:45

Below sentences are corrected.

I went to the postnatal care center from the hospital.


From today, my wife and I am taking care of our baby in the new place.

From today, my wife and I are taking care of our baby in the new place.


I saw our newborn for the first time in person, he was so cute. 


My wife struggled to feed our newborn. I feel sorry for her.


It is time to take care of our baby in person from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 


At first, I was worried that our newborn could cry. But he did not cry. So I was relieved.

At first, I was worried that our newborn could cry but he didn't, so I was relieved.


First, I'm thankful for my wife because she did herself best today, even though she is still suffering.

First, I'm thankful for my wife because she did her best today, even though she is still suffering.


Second, I'm thankful for my baby because he looks healthy.


Lastly, I'm thankful for caring newborn staffs because they did themselves best.

Lastly, I'm thankful for the staffs caring the newborn because they did their best.





