
[감사일기]thanks diary(2020.12.09)

aiemag 2020. 12. 10. 00:33

Today, I am a little bit tired, but it was worth a try.


My wife and I took care of our newborn.

He opened his two eyes while we are watching him. so amazing.


My wife went to the hospital for a medical check because she didn't know whether her pain cause is disease or not.

Fortunately her pain looks by Cesarean Aftereffects.


I updated the blog and AdSense all day. It took much time than I expected.


I look forward to having more time tomorrow.


Anyhow I am writing a thanks diary.


FIrst, I'm thankful for my wife, because she endured the pain well.


Second, I'm thankful for my mother for calling me because she so worried us.


Lastly, I'm thankful for our baby, because he looked healthy.

