
[미라클모닝]miracle morning(2020.11.01)

aiemag 2020. 11. 1. 08:47

Even though I woke up late today I'd like to do miracle morning because I think the miracle morning doesn't mean not only when I wake up but also just doing and thinking about miracle morning.


First of all I'd like to do miracle morning every day and If It becomes getting used to I'll try to wake up early. 



S(Silence) - 명상, 기도, 반성, 심호흡, 감사

- I need to wake up at same time in the morning. I got the breathing.

A(Affirmations) - 의식을 일깨우는 자기 다짐

- Just do it. I can do it.

V(Visualization) - 원하는 삶을 사는 모습을 상상하기

- I wanna be a man who is free from the money. so I would like to live with what I really want to do.

E(Exercise) - 몸과 정신을 건강하게

- stretching my body. relieving stress of my back

R(Reading) - 독서를 통한 자기 계발, 성공한 사람을 모델로 삼아 이를 따라 하자

- I found a book which name is 'attribute of money'. so I'd like to read it.

S(Scribing) - 자기 내면을 들여다보는 기록하기

- blogging


